A Partial History of Lost Causes
Год выхода: 2012
FINALIST FOR THE PEN/HEMINGWAY PRIZE FOR DEBUT FICTIONIn Jennifer duBois’s mesmerizing and exquisitely rendered debut novel, a long-lost letter links two disparate characters, each searching for meaning against seemingly insurmountable odds. With uncommon perception and wit, duBois explores the power of memory, the depths of human courage, and the endurance of love. NAMED BY THE NATIONAL BOOK FOUNDATION AS A 5 UNDER 35 AUTHOR • WINNER OF THE CALIFORNIA BOOK AWARD GOLD MEDAL FOR FIRST FICTION...
Death Day
Год выхода: 2011
Beware the golden disk - it brings decay… destruction… death…     Four hundred years ago, a woman died in agony to keep its secret and went to her rave with it hung around her neck. Now, in a desolate graveyard, a workman has unearthed the amulet by chance and decides to keep it. His first mistake…     That night the village of Medford is plunged into a nightmare of terror by the discovery of a double murder and mutilation - the first in a series of shocking killings.     Wherever the...

The Best of Margaret St. Clair
Год выхода: 1985
THE BEST OF This new series features work by outstanding women science fiction writers, both well-known and unfairly neglected. Many of the stories in these individual volumes have never before been collected in book form, making each of these works valuable as an overview of the author’s best work. The first two volumes are: The Best of Marion Zimmer Bradley and The Best of Margaret St. Clair. MARGARET ST. CLAIR has been writing professionally since 1945. She is best known for her shorter...
Норвежские народные сказки
Год выхода: 1986
В сборник входят самые популярные сказки, в которых отражается ум, самобытность характера и суровые условия жизни норвежского народа. Для младшего школьного возраста. Рисунки Екатерины Владимировны Штанко
Trailer Park Zombies
Год выхода: 2009
On the night of his 16th birthday Duke Johnson and his friends go out joyriding near the local cemetery. After a friend's horrific rape, Mason -the school bully- is killed in a tragic accident.Duke, Fannie Mae, and Barrett, go home to the Rosie Acres Trailer Park and desperately try to figure out how to keep themselves out of trouble. This could wreck any chance for a future and ruin their one hope of getting out of the trailer park.What they don't realize is that Mason has come back from the...
Tattie's River Journey (Colour)
Год выхода: 2014
When Tattie's house floats away on a flooded river, she takes in several animals and people and has a wonderful ride.
Copernick's Rebellion
Год выхода: 1987
Heinrich Copernick and Martin Guibedo came to the States as penniless refugees after World War II. By 1999 they had made huge fortunes in the field of medical instrumentation. But Heiny and his Uncle Martin weren’t just filthy rich, they were also the world’s best gene engineers. And their latest inventions could free Humanity from want and oppressive governments forever. At least, that was the plan. Imagine: Free homes with all the furnishings and utilities! Free food! Even free babysitters!...
Lifemate Connections: Eryn
Год выхода: 2007
Eryn James is a medical secretary, not a police officer, but when the police ask her to assist in tracking down a killer, she jumps at the chance. Not because she has any real desire to hunt down a killer, but because the task involves playing bait in Lifemate Connections-one of the most exclusive and expensive bars in town. In a world where men outnumber women ten to one, and long-term relationships are frowned upon, bars like Lifemate provide a safe environment for women and men to meet and...
How to make life happy psychology in a simple way
Год выхода: 2019
As long as you live, you can change the world around you. Love! Live! Translation from Stuart Sturgess. Обложка книги подготовлена автором.
Survey Ship
Год выхода: 1986
Sometime in the future, the human race realizes how much the population is outgrowing the planet and decides to train people to go explore the galaxy to look for other inhabitable planets. The trainees are chosen for their intelligence at a very young age, then spend their entire childhood learning a skill such as medicine, engineering, physics, etc. When they reach adulthood, the best six of them are sent off to other star systems to spend the rest of their lives searching for a place that may...
Killing Time
Год выхода: 2013
Серия: One-eyed jacks (#1)
An exciting new series featuring Mike “Primetime” Brown, a character from her popular “Black Ops, Inc.” series. For the seven years after Operation Slam Dunk went south, Mike Brown got drunk on each anniversary. The eighth year was no different—until he was drugged by a woman and woke up to her questions about what had happened eight years ago in Afghanistan. CIA attorney Eva Salinas has her own theory behind what happened to Mike’s team—which included her husband—in Afghanistan eight years...
Infinite jest
Год выхода: 2006
Infinite Jest is the name of a movie said to be so entertaining that anyone who watches it loses all desire to do anything but watch. People die happily, viewing it in endless repetition. The novel Infinite Jest is the story of this addictive entertainment, and in particular how it affects a Boston halfway house for recovering addicts and a nearby tennis academy, whose students have many budding addictions of their own. As the novel unfolds, various individuals, organisations, and governments...
Год выхода: 2016
This best-selling debut novel from one of France’s most exciting young writers is based on the true story of the 1949 disappearance of Air France’s Lockheed Constellation and its famous passengers. On October 27, 1949, Air France’s new plane, the Constellation, launched by the extravagant Howard Hughes, welcomed thirty-eight passengers aboard. On October 28, no longer responding to air traffic controllers, the plane disappeared while trying to land on the island of Santa Maria, in the Azores....
House of Cards
Серия: Francis urquhart (#1)
Michael Dobbs has spent many years at the most senior levels of British politics, advising Mrs Thatcher, Cecil Parkinson and many other leading politicians. He worked as a journalist in the United States throughout the Watergate crisis, and after returning to London in 1975 played major roles in the general elections of 1979 and 1983, and was Chief of Staff at Conservative Party headquarters during the 1987 elections. He has a doctorate in defence studies. He is currently Deputy Chairman of...
Сердца трёх / Hearts of three
Год выхода: 2018
Джек Лондон известен, как автор множества приключенческих рассказов и романов. «Сердца трёх» – это последний роман автора, повествующий о молодом американце Фрэнсисе Моргане, который, следуя совету бизнес-партнера своего отца, отправляется в Центральную Америку с целью найти сокровище предков. Для удобства читателя текст сопровождается комментариями и кратким словарем. Предназначается для продолжающих изучать английский язык (уровень 4 – Upper-Intermediate).
Sathya Sai Baba. Supernatural Experiences and Divine Transformation. Book One
Год выхода: 2022
Before you is a book of memoirs about the greatest Indian mystic and miracle worker Sathya Sai Baba. He was born in the very south of India in 1926 and left his body in 2011 at the age of eighty-four. He was known as a philosopher, humanist, spiritual teacher, and the most significant miracle worker of our time. Sathya Sai Baba preached the unity of all religions, taught meditation practices, and spiritually transformed people with his blessings. With the help of his supernatural abilities, he...
Портрет Дориана Грея [англ. и рус. параллельные тексты]
Одно из величайших литературных произведений последних полутора столетий, единственный роман Оскара Уайльда «Портрет Дориана Грея» (1890) поднимает весьма деликатные вопросы, неизменно насущные для постижения искусства и этики. История человека, пожелавшего навеки сохранить молодость и заставить собственный портрет стареть вместо себя, при жизни автора вызывала яростные споры, а ныне признана непревзойденным шедевром мировой литературы.
Унесенные ветром. Том 2 [англ. и рус. параллельные тексты]
«Унесенные ветром» — единственный роман Маргарет Митчелл (1900—1949). Ее жизнь рано оборвалась из-за трагической случайности, но образам Скарлетт О'Хара и Ретта Батлера, рожденным воображением «маленькой смелой женщины» — как называли писательницу американские критики, — суждено жить вечно. Это книга о любви и о войне, о предательстве и верности, о жестокости и о красоте самой жизни. Это одна из тех книг, к которым возвращаешься снова спустя годы и испытываешь радость от встречи...
Theories of Flight
Год выхода: 2011
Серия: Samuil petrovitch (#2)
Winner of the 2012 Philip K. Dick Award Theorem: Petrovitch has a lot of secrets. Proof: Secrets like how to make anti-gravity for one. For another, he’s keeping a sentient computer program on a secret server farm—the same program that nearly destroyed the Metrozone a few months back. Theorem: The city is broken. Proof: The people of the OutZone want what citizens of the Metrozone have. And then burn it to the ground. Now, with the heart of the city destroyed by the New Machine...
Год выхода: 1991
The resources of Aleph, the artificial intelligence that operates the high-orbital space station Halo, are being diverted to its experimental sections. And when the corporation that owns Halo hires freelance data auditor Mikhail Gonzales to observe the problem, Aleph starts spinning out of control. "A clear and well-conceived plot . . . Maddox is a name to watch".--SF Chronicle.
White Ash on Bone: A Zombie Novel
Год выхода: 2012
The story is set in my home town of Butler, Pennsylvania. Classically, the region is the heart of zombie lore. I grew up watching zombie movies that were filmed just down the road. It certainly can impact a young mind.  The novel starts out on what should be an average day. A demented prisoner in the drunk-tank, who happens to be subject zero, is brought before a judge to have his case reviewed. He breaks away, and violence soon spills outside of the courtroom.  White Ash on Bone follows...
The Saturday Boy
Год выхода: 2013
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from comic books, it’s that everybody has a weakness—something that can totally ruin their day without fail. For the wolfman it’s a silver bullet. For Superman it’s Kryptonite. For me it was a letter. With one letter, my dad was sent back to Afghanistan to fly Apache helicopters for the U.S. army. Now all I have are his letters. Ninety-one of them to be exact. I keep them in his old plastic lunchbox—the one with the cool black car on it that says...
Год выхода: 2021
Earlyborn is about the main values of life, such as family, kindness, humility, self- perfection and hope for the best. In addition to that, the book is about the role of social networks in our life :)
The Texas Spider
Год выхода: 2023
In a small town in Texas, Whitney Graham lives, whose life changes on an ordinary, rainy evening, with the appearance of a previously unknown insect.